Western Governors’ Scott Pulsipher talks affordability and access

Education Dive has a far-reaching interview with the President of Western Governors University (WGU) touching on topics spanning growth in adult learners, the role of data and technology, disaggregating and shifting instructional roles and the persistent drive to...

NPR: ‘Non-Traditional’ Students Are Becoming The New Normal

In the wake of the Great Recession (are we officially calling it that now?) there is no shortage of working adults who had their previous careers come to a screeching halt. After getting back on their feet, they are headed back to college and university campuses to...

5 Big Ways Education Will Change By 2020

Interviews with a number of folks in and around education distilled into five quick hit points by Fast Company. Originally posted in 2015, but we just came across it in one of our feeds today. A mix of the expected - students will interact with others remotely - and...

OER May Triple in Use as Primary Courseware Within Five Years

A new report issued by Cengage talking about the uptake and use of open education resources has become available. It quickly takes a look back at the history of the 'open content' movement (thanks David Wiley) from the late 1990's through the launch of MIT Open...

An Abridged Guide to Course Redesign

An Abridged Guide to Course Redesign

As the Fall semester kicks into full gear, faculty committees around the United States also launching into another time-honored tradition on campuses - no, not the Fall Ball or the kickoff to football season, though they may join those festivities as well - course...

What do adult students want from college?

At Junction, we've always taken the needs of adult learners into consideration from the early days of our MVP through our most recently announced set of feature updates for the Fall term.  Who are adult learners?  They are often older than 25, with jobs, potentially...

Median Income is Down, but Public College Tuition is Up

It's been widely reported that tuition increases, particularly at public-funded institutions, have been on an uptick since the Great Recession - and here is yet another take on the same.  However, the missing link that is helpful in completing the picture is that...

Top Five New Features in the Fall 2016 Release

We hope everyone has had a great summer and are ready for the start of another academic year.  All of us at Junction have been quite busy preparing for your return, so in this post we'll summarize the top five new features that we've added based on your feedback. 5....

Five Time-Saving Strategies for the Flipped Classroom

Barbi Honeycutt, PhD of NC State University recently published a piece on flipped learning that we thought our readers might appreciate. As an instructor, she's experienced many of the challenges of flipping her classes and distills tips down to five key points: Find...

College Costs Are Out of Control

From a recent CNBC.com piece about the rising costs of college education and the growing discomfort with escalating debt and reduced public financial support for colleges and universities. The reduction in public funding has driven tuition and fees at private...