Privacy Policy

Updated Aug 16, 2024

edRNA Inc. (d/b/a Junction Education) is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and share your personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to your use of edRNA Inc. Services and Applications. This policy also covers partners of edRNA Inc. who use our services, which may be identified as edRNA (through a URL) or through a white-labelled version of our software (which will not be identifiable through a URL) .  You expressly consent to the processing of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


If you are not at least 13 years of age, you may only use the Services and disclose information to us with your parent’s or guardian’s consent. Review this Privacy Policy with your parent or guardian and make sure you understand it, and do the same with the privacy policies of all websites you visit or mobile applications you use.

We only collect personal information through the Services from a child we know is under the age of 13 when we have parental consent or when a student’s school, district, and/or teacher has agreed to obtain parental consent for that child to use the Services and disclose personal information to us. If you are a child, please do not send any personal information about yourself to us if your parent has not provided consent or your school, district, and/or teacher has not obtained this prior consent from your parent or guardian, and please do not send any personal information other than what we request from you in connection with the Services. If we learn we have collected personal information from a child without appropriate consent as outlined herein, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a child may have provided us personal information in violation of this paragraph, please contact us at [email protected].

1. Information You Provide to Us

We collect information from you, such as first and last name, gender, e-mail and mailing addresses, professional title, company name, and password when you create an account to log in to our service. We also may retain information on your behalf, such as files and messages that you store using your account. If you provide us feedback or contact us via e-mail or via the in-app support chat, we will collect your name and e-mail address, as well as any other content included in the e-mail. When you participate in one of our surveys, we may collect additional profile information. We also collect other types of personal information and demographic information that you provide to us voluntarily.

We (or our payment service provider) collect your credit card or other payment account billing information when you purchase Digital Content, such as your first and last name, billing address, credit card number, security code, and expiration date.

2. Information We Collect Through Technology

To make our Site, Apps, and Services more useful to you, our servers (which may be hosted by a third party service provider) collect information from you, including browser type, operating system, Internet Protocol (IP) address (a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the Internet, which may vary from session to session), domain name, and/or a date/time stamp for your visit. We also use cookies and web beacons (as described below) and navigational data like Uniform Resource Locators (URL) to gather information regarding the date and time of your visit and the solutions and information for which you searched and which you viewed. Like most Internet services, we automatically gather this data and store it in log files each time you visit our Site, use our Apps, or access your account on our network. We may link this automatically-collected data to personally identifiable information.

“Cookies” are small pieces of information that a website sends to your computer’s hard drive while you are viewing a website. We may use both session cookies (which expire once you close your web browser) and persistent cookies (which stay on your computer until you delete them) to provide you with a more personal and interactive experience on our Site.

“Web beacons” are digital images we use to log information on our Site and in our emails. We use web beacons to manage cookies, count visits, and to learn what marketing works and what does not. We also use web beacons to tell if you open or act on our emails.

“Flash Cookies” are used to store your preferences such as volume control or to display content based upon what you view on our websites to personalize your visit. Third party partners who provide certain features on our websites, such as videos, may place Flash cookies on your device. They may use Flash cookies to track your Web browsing activity and to display personalized advertising. Flash cookies are different from other cookies because of the amount of, type of, and way in which data is stored. Cookie management tools provided by your browser usually will not remove Flash cookies. We do not control the privacy practices of the third parties who place or track Flash cookies and this privacy policy does not cover their practices. You should visit the privacy policies of companies who place Flash cookies to understand their practices.

Analytics. We use analytics services to help analyze how users use the Site and Apps. These services use cookies and scripts to collect and store information such as how users interact with our Apps, errors users encounter when using our apps, device identifiers, how often users visit the Site, what pages they visit, and what other sites they used prior to coming to the Site. We use the information we get from Google Analytics and Heap Analytics only to improve our Site, our Apps, and our Services. Please see the following links for more information about Google Analytics:, and  Please see the following links for more information about Heap Analytics: We may link this data to personally identifiable information.

3. Public Areas and Other Sharing Features

  • Public Areas. We display your user name and public profile information when you post Public Content on public areas on the edRNA Service (e.g., forums, blogs, or other community features) (“Public Areas”). Your user name, public profile information, and Public Content can be seen by other users of the Service.
  • Social Sharing.The Application permits you to choose to share your User Content (“Shared Content”) with other users of the Service. As you make changes to your Shared Content, any users you have chosen to share with will automatically receive updated versions of your Shared Content
  • Statistics. The Application permits you to choose to share certain statistics about your use of Digital Content (e.g., how long you read each chapter or page) with other users of the Service. As you use your Digital Content, any users you have chosen to share your statistics with will automatically receive updates of your statistics.
  • Other Users. You should be aware that when you use Public Areas, post Public Content, send emails or other messages to other users, or shares notes, other User Content, or statistics with other users, that information can be read, collected, used, or further disclosed by other users. We are not responsible for how other users read, collect, use, or further disclose your information.
  • Forums: Our Site and Apps offer community forums and discussion boards. You should be aware that any information you provide in these areas may be read, collected, and used by others who access them.

4. How We Use Your Information

We use your personal information to:

  • Create your account and identify you on our system;
  • Provide you with, operate, and improve the Service and Application;
  • Respond to your requests, comments and questions and provide you with customer service;
  • Provide you with contextual advertisements on the Service and Application and perform market research;
  • Otherwise support the internal operations of the Service and Application;
  • Send you administrative e-mail or SMS notifications; and
  • Send you e-mail or SMS messages or postal mail informing you of our products and services and third party products and services we believe may be of interest to you, such as new features and services, special offers, and updated information, and for other marketing purposes for us or other companies (“Newsletters”).

5. How We Share Your Information

We do not share your personal information with third parties other than as follows:

  • As described in Section 3 (Public Areas and Other Sharing Features).
  • With our third party service providers who provide support for the internal operations of the Service and Application and who do not use or disclose personal information for any other purpose.
  • With our subsidiaries, joint ventures, or other companies under common control, or any companies that acquire our company or our assets (including through bankruptcy). These companies will possess the personal information collected by us and will only use and share your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy.
  • If we have a good faith belief that disclosure of your personal information is necessary to: (i) protect the security or integrity of the Service or Application; (ii) take precautions against our liability; (iii) respond to judicial process; (iv) to the extent permitted under other provisions of law, to provide information to law enforcement agencies or for an investigation on a matter related to public safety; or (v) protect the safety of a user.

6. Use and Disclosure of Anonymous Information

We may also use and share aggregated or de-identified information for any purpose and in any manner. This anonymous data we share may include non-personally identifiable data that we create using your personal information by excluding information that makes the data personally identifiable.


  • Choices. We offer you choices regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information. When you receive newsletters or promotional communications from us, you may “opt-out” by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in e-mails you receive from us or by contacting us directly at the contact information below. Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. If you prefer, you can typically remove and reject cookies from our Site with your browser settings. If you remove or reject our cookies, it will affect how our Site and Services work for you.
  • Changes to Personal Information. You may change some of your personal information in your account by editing your profile within the Service. You may also request changes or deletions by e-mailing us at the e-mail address set forth below. We will respond to your request, when permitted by law, within 30 days. We may be unable to delete information that resides in our archives.
  • Security of Your Personal Information. edRNA takes reasonable steps to help protect your personal information in an effort to prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Despite these measures, you should know that edRNA cannot fully eliminate security risks associated with personal information. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. Any content you post while using the Services is at your own risk. If you have any questions about security on our Site or Apps, you can contact us at the contact information set forth below.

8. Security

edRNA takes reasonable steps to help protect your personal information. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, edRNA cannot guarantee its absolute security.


What personal data does edRNA collect and store, and for what purposes?

edRNA collected the following data: your first name, last name, email address, institution (school), company, and phone number. This data is used in communications, user tracking and identification, marketing, and to derive product insights.

Where can I find a list of edRNA’s subprocessors?

Below is a non-exclusive list of our subprocessors and what they are used for. This list is subject to change as our business evolves.

Subprocessor Name

Nature of Processing

Amazon Web Services

Storage and archival of course content.


Repository of software code used to implement software deployments.


Authentication, business management, tracking.


Support chat services.


Assessment services.


Storage and archival of edRNA user data and metadata


Text message services.

Where does edRNA host customer data?
edRNA-hosted instances are hosted in the Amazon Web Services cloud.  Certain data, e.g., discussion board posts, are stored in the Google cloud.

How Can I Edit my edRNA Data?
You can edit your data at any time from your User Account page, which you can access once you’ve logged into you account.

How long does edRNA retain Customer Data? Will edRNA delete customer data when requests?
edRNA maintains all customer data until we mark users as “non-active” or a customer deletes their own account. User can delete their own accounts and data by emailing us at [email protected].

10. Changes to this Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any changes to this Privacy Policy, we will change the “Revised” date above.

11. Contact Information

We welcome your comments or questions regarding this Privacy Policy. Please e-mail us at [email protected].